August 31st 2005 ... a special day!

Because on this day our new Gleason-Pfauter CNC-Shaping Machine with electronic helical guide, the 41st machine of this series in the world, the GP 300 ES, was delivered.

Well wrapped, the machine had already arrived the previous evening. Its "veil", however, wasn't lifted until the next day.

In the morning at 8:00 o'clock - with coffee in hand - Ms. Schneider and Mr. Studer could finally give green light for the unloading of the machine.

With a great crane that "makes heavy things easy", the valuable shippment was lifted onto the front of the production hall.

Indeed, with an ideal weather and perfect sunshine it was not only managing director Mrs. Schneider who enjoyed watching this display of power, ...

... but also the rest of the Seifried-Zahnräder workforce was taking advantage of any opportunity to have a look at the spectacle.

After a strong two hours the the machine was moved inside the production hall and shortly after placed at its final location.

The initial work was done and a small break well deserved!
